Face Comparing API Guide

Face Comparing


Check the possibility that two faces refer to the same individual. You will get a confidence. API will return confidence level of matched faces with bounding box and quality. If the source image contains multiple faces, by default API will consider highest quality face and compares it with all faces in target image.


Request URL:- {{apiURL}}face/verify

Method Type:-POST


Content-Type : application/json

Subscriptionkey : xxxxxxxxxxxx

Request Body

  "encoded_image1": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAA……….",
  "encoded_image2": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwM………"

Request Parameters

Param Required Type Description
encoded_image1 Yes String base64 encoded string of source image.
encoded_image2 Yes String base64 encoded string of target image.
compareAllFaces No bool Default is false. If true, API will compare all faces from source image with all faces of target image.
qualityThreshold No Int Optional integer value between 21 and 100. If this parameter added in request then uploaded faces quality will be compared from request qualityThreshold value, otherwise quality check as per defined MXFace standard.

Response Body

  "matchedFaces": [
      "matchResult": 1,
      "image1_face": {
        "faceRectangle": {
          "x": 30,
          "y": 0,
          "height": 1860,
          "width": 1532
        "points": [
            "x": 58.2854,
            "y": -42.453003
            "x": 1562.8524,
            "y": -20.026917
            "x": 30.252747,
            "y": 1838.2557
            "x": 1534.8197,
            "y": 1860.6819
        "quality": 94.401535
      "image2_face": {
        "faceRectangle": {
          "x": 30,
          "y": 0,
          "height": 1860,
          "width": 1532
        "points": [
            "x": 58.2854,
            "y": -42.453003
            "x": 1562.8524,
            "y": -20.026917
            "x": 30.252747,
            "y": 1838.2557
            "x": 1534.8197,
            "y": 1860.6819
        "quality": 94.401535

Response Parameters

Param Type Description
matchResult int If face matching score is > 60, then value of matchResult will be 1. If face matching score is < 60, then value of matchResult will be 0.
image1_face object boundry of face1
image2_face object boundry of face2
faceRectangle object boundry of face
height int hight of face
width int width of face
x int x-edge of face
y int y-edge of face
quality float Quality score of images between 1 to 100.
quality float Quality score of images between 0 to 1.