Find and declare the keypoints of face components, including face Profile, eye shape...
Request URL:- {{apiURL}}face/landmark
Method Type:-POST
Content-Type : application/json
Subscriptionkey : xxxxxxxxxxxx
{ "encoded_image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAA………." }
Param | Required | Type | Description |
encoded_image | Yes | String | base64 encoded string |
minimumDistanceBetweenEyeThreshold | No | Int | Set Distance between eyes |
[ { "faces": [ { "faceLandmark": { "mouthLeft": { "x": 998.9764404296875, "y": 1182.6712646484375 }, "mouthRight": { "x": 617.4220581054688, "y": 1166.3719482421875 }, "nose": { "x": 781.2542724609375, "y": 1103.4720458984375 }, "eye_left": { "x": 1097.0299072265625, "y": 820.4296875 }, "eye_right": { "x": 519.978271484375, "y": 794.6395874023438 } }, "quality": 94.401535, "points": [ { "x": 58.2854, "y": -42.453003 }, { "x": 1562.8524, "y": -20.026917 }, { "x": 30.252747, "y": 1838.2557 }, { "x": 1534.8197, "y": 1860.6819 } ], "faceRectangle": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "height": 0, "width": 0 } } ] } ]
Param | Type | Description |
faceLandmark | object | facial landmarks in images |
mouthLeft | object | x and y position of mouthLeft of face |
mouthRight | object | x and y position of mouthRight of face |
nose | object | x and y position of nose of face |
eye_left | object | x and y position of eye_left of face |
eye_right | object | x and y position of eye_right of face |
quality | float | Quality score of images between 1 to 100. |
faceRectangle | object | boundry of face |
height | int | hight of face |
width | int | width of face |
x | int | x-edge of face |
y | int | y-edge of face |