Vehicle Detection Guide

Vehicle Detection


The Vehicle Detection API is designed to identify and analyze vehicles in images. Leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, this API provides accurate vehicle detection and classification, making it suitable for various applications such as traffic monitoring, parking management, and automated toll collection.


Request URL:- {{apiURL}}Vehicle/VehicleDetect

Method Type:-POST


Content-Type : application/json

Subscriptionkey : xxxxxxxxxxxx

Request Body

  "encoded_image": "string"

Request Parameters

Param Required Type Description
encoded_image Yes String Base64 encoded string of image.

Response Body

  "code": 0,
  "message": "string",
  "errorMessage": "string",
  "vehicles": [
      "boundingBox": {
        "x": "number",
        "y": "number",
        "height": "number",
        "width": "number"
      "vehicleType": "string",
      "confidence": "float"

Response Parameters

Param Type Description
code int Code.
message string message.
errorMessage string A human readable description of error.
vehicles array List of detected vehicles.
boundingBox object bounding box of the detected vehicles.
x int x-edge of the vehicle.
y int y-edge of the vehicle.
height int height of the vehicle from y.
width int width of the vehicle from x.
confidence float confidence of the detected vehicle.
numberPlateText string number plate text (number).
numberPlateText Confidence float confidence of the detected number plate text. .

Response Parameters

Error Code Message
200 Success.
401 Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription.
400 Invalid request. Please pass valid json with all required parameters.
Not valid biometric data or invalid format.
The input is not a valid Base-64 string.
500 Something went wrong, please try again later.