Iris Recognition API Guide

Iris Verification


Just as the fingerprint, face and palm impression of an individual remains stable during their lifetime, a person's iris pattern also persists to be exactly similar throughout his life. When we compare Iris in a 1-to-1 match, we're checking if they belong to the same person. Iris recognition technology proves to be secure, reliable and error-free verification process amongst all biometric verification methods.


Request URL:-

Method Type:-POST


Content-Type : application/json

Subscriptionkey : xxxxxxxxxxxx

Request Body

    "iris1": "string",
    "iris2": "string"

Request Parameters

Param Required Type Description
iris1 Yes String base64 encoded string of iris
iris2 Yes String base64 encoded string of iris

Response Body

    "code": 0,
    "message": "string",
    "errorMessage": "string",
    "matched": 0 

Sample response when both fingerprints match

    "matched": 1

Sample response when both fingerprints not match

    "matched": 0

Response Parameters

Param Type Description
code int Code
message string Message
errorMessage string A human readable description of error
matched int If both iris matched, result will be 1 otherwise 0


Error Code Message
200 Success
401 Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription.
400 Invalid request.
Please pass valid json with all required parameters.
A human readable description of error
500 Something went wrong, please try again later.