Enhance Your ANPR with Our License Plate Recognition API

License Plate Recognition (LPR/ANPR) involves capturing license plate images and converting the optical data into digital information instantly. Usually referred to as Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), LPR is extensively used in various vehicle management tasks including Ticketless Parking (both off-street and on-street), Toll roads, identifying stolen vehicles, facilitating smart billing, and numerous other applications across the globe. LPR technology adoption is steadily growing and becoming a necessity.

license plate license Detection
license plate Detection

Benefits of LPR

High Accuracy

Robust Performance

Low Cost API

Identifies variety of
number plates

Why Our License plate
Recognition ?

Our proprietary computer vision technology uses optical character recognition (OCR) algorithm on images taken by cameras to convert the plate number to the ASCII character set. Our AI technology helps to improve the accuracy with variety of license plates, its condition and environmental factors.

Data security first

We do not store customer LPR data and data is automatically deleted after processing.

Easy to integrate

Easily embed the LPR APIs into your app, and track usage of APIs.

Robust & Accurate

Our ANPR/LPR System Delivers Top Performance and has ability to deliver benefits to both software companies and their customers.

What do API provide?

Type of Vehicle (Car, Bike, Bus,

Confidence of detection

Bounding Box Coordinates of
detected Vehicles

Boolean State whether the
Number Plate is detected or not

If Number Plate is detected then, attributes of Number Plate will be:

Number Plate Confidence

Number Plate Bounding Box Coordinates

Number Plate OCR text value

OCR Confidence


Try LPR/ANPR now by uploading a local picture.

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Click or drag Image to this area to upload

Support for a single Image upload. Only PNG,JPG, JPEG, BMP file accepted. Image resolutions up to 1920 x 1080.

Preview Image

Image Instructions

Minimum of 25 pixels on the vertical side of the license plate characters.

Camera focused on a position where license plates are at least 5,000 pixels of the entire image.

Ensure the images are clear and well-lit. Blurry or poorly lit images can negatively affect the performance of the detection algorithm.



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All Response JSON

LPR/ANPR API is useful to identify individuals and groups

Vehicle Access

Customers can be seamlessly billed at toll booths without slowing down, or effortlessly parking at a mall without stopping at barriers or cashiers for payment.

Vehicle Safety
and Tracking

You can imagine a city where the whereabouts of every stolen or reported vehicle are known at any given time. It's a vision of unparalleled convenience and enhanced security.

Vehicle Parking-Residential
and Commercial

License Plate Recognition API offers the opportunity to automate and digitize entire parking operations in a residential and commercial premises, opening up numerous possibilities to enhance capabilities and elevate resident and customer service standards for facility management companies.


In residential and commercial settings track visitor vehicles and enhance security measures.

Smart Cities

License Plate Recognition API helps in the development of smart cities by providing vehicle data for city planning, traffic management, and infrastructure development.


What Global Companies have said about us

MxFace AI uses pattern detection technology and no images and personal information is stored. The only data that is stored is of anonymous, aggregate and statistical nature. Therefore, companies trust us as their partner

Get in touch with us for a live API service demo.