Understanding Face Attributes API Guide

Face Attributes


Detect and measure facial features like, age and gender.


Request URL:- {{apiURL}}face/analytics

Method Type:-POST


Content-Type : application/json

Subscriptionkey : xxxxxxxxxxxx

Request Body

                                                "encoded_image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAA………."

Request Parameters

Param Required Type Description
encoded_image Yes String base64 encoded string
minimumDistanceBetweenEyeThreshold No Int Set Distance between eyes

Response Body

                                                "faces": [
                                                    "faceAnalytics": {
                                                        "age": "36.91389",
                                                        "gender": "Female"
                                                    "quality": 94.401535,
                                                    "points": [
                                                        "x": 58.2854,
                                                        "y": -42.453003
                                                        "x": 1562.8524,
                                                        "y": -20.026917
                                                        "x": 30.252747,
                                                        "y": 1838.2557
                                                        "x": 1534.8197,
                                                        "y": 1860.6819
                                                    "faceRectangle": {
                                                        "x": 0,
                                                        "y": 0,
                                                        "height": 0,
                                                        "width": 0

Response Parameters

Param Type Description
faceAnalytics object facial analytics in images
age string age of face
gender string gender of face
quality float Quality score of images between 1 to 100.
faceRectangle object boundry of face
height int hight of face
width int width of face
x int x-edge of face
y int y-edge of face