Face Comparing

Perform 1:1 Comparison with Face Comparing API

Use our Face comparison API for Identity based payments, security based access/deny systems, onboarding and eKYC.Check the possibility of two faces refers to the same person. Result provides the confidence score and threshold value to decide the similarity. The Face Compare API compares two faces and determines if they belong to the same person. When the images are run through the Face Compare API, both of the faces are converted to Face Vector templates and the Euclidian distance is calculated. The Euclidian distance result is then transformed using a function to a confidence value which is reflected by the Face Compare API in its reply. We are dedicated to data security and privacy while you use our free trial or paid APIs. We do not store customer data. The customer data is automatically deleted after processing.

face compare face compare
face compare

Benefits of
Face Comparing

Compare the similar-looking faces in a database or a video stream and then group or cluster them together.

Compare faces in your database

Integrate face compare into your app

A state-of-the-art deep learning model

Complete Face Data Privacy

Why Our
Face Compare ?

We have developed AI-based technology platform. With our robust and reliable face detector, along with our deep learning-based face recognition technology, you can start comparing faces with ease!

Data security first

We do not store customer face data and data is automatically deleted after processing.


Ideal for Person Identification with ID photos


Protection against Fake Face Attacks


Designed for Face-based User Verification application


High Accuracy in Real-time

Face Comparing Demo

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First Image

Click or drag Image to this area to upload

Support for a single Image upload. Only PNG,JPG, JPEG, BMP file accepted. Image resolutions up to 1920 x 1080.

Please Wait Preview Image

Second Image

Click or drag Image to this area to upload

Support for a single Image upload. Only PNG,JPG, JPEG, BMP file accepted. Image resolutions up to 1920 x 1080.

Please Wait Preview Image

Image Upload Guidelines

Not less than 45 degrees face up and 30 degrees face down.

The yaw should be less than 45 degrees in either direction.

Use an image of a face with both eyes open and visible.

Use an image of a face that is not tightly cropped.

Avoid items that block the face, such as headbands and masks.

Image resolutions up to 1920 x 1080.

Use images with flat lighting on the face, without shadows.


You want to retry Demo, just Tap on 'Try again' Button

First Image

Second Image

Face Matched with Image

Check API Response for Confidence Score

Face Matched with Image

Both Faces Not Matching.

Check API Response for Confidence Score

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All Response JSON

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